Kerr Family Update

Tuesday, November 30, 2004



A hearty thanks to each one who has prayed, shown concern, supported us, and encouraged us during this time. God Bless you!

There is not too much to report from this side ... not much has changed in the last few days. I am sleeping a bit better, which is very welcome! Sitting is still awfully difficult... after a few minutes the right leg starts to go numb and the pain/pressure in the back surgery site is too much to take. I walk around as much as I can in the house ... 1/2 hour seems to be a comfortable time frame, then its back to bed again!
Yesterday, for the first time since surgery, I made the trip up the stairs with assistance at bedtime. It really "pulled" the back muscles. Ouch! Going up the stairs I could only lead & push with the left leg. It was good to see my own bedroom for the first time in 26 days! There's no place like one's own bed, is there! In the morning, I found it a little easier going down the stairs than going up.
I will only negotiate the stairs once a day, so will continue spending the daytime on the hospital bed on the main floor - where all the action is! It is great to have the family around and to see all the activity of the home-schooling, etc.
I have been thankful for the new shower which some friends installed on the main floor, as it will be quite some time before I can lift my legs high enough to get into a regular bath tub.


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